A fugitive alchemist with mysterious abilities leads the Elric brothers to a distant valley of slums inhabited by the Milos, a proud people struggling against bureaucratic exploitation. Ed and Al quickly find themselves in the middle of a rising rebellion, as the exiled Milos lash out against their oppressors.At the heart of the conflict is Julia, a young alchemist befriended by Alphonse. She'll stop at nothing to restore the Milos to their former glory – even if that means harnessing the awful power of the mythical Philosopher's Stone.
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akhirnya sekian lama saya menanti, movienya yg ke-2 akhirnya keluar juga (baru release), sudah gak sabar nonton, semoga di movie yg ini sama2 keren kaya movie yg sebelumnya, bahkan lebih keren lagi~
kuharap movie yg The Conqueror of Shamballa buat sequel nya hahahaha
Fullmetal Alchemist!!!!
BalasHapusSaya juga SUKA ini!!! >w<
iya, saya juga suka XD
Hapustapi untuk artnya di movie yg ini agak 'maaf jelek -.-